Assembly Rooms Assembly Rooms

Assembly Rooms

54 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2LR, United Kingdom | 0131 220 4348 | Website


Gorgeous venue


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This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Wheelchair, Powerchair


Accessibility was surprisingly good. It was my first visit to the George Street Assembly Rooms and Music Hall so I had a look on their website. The information specifically about accessibility on the Assembly room site wasn't easy to spot but the search engine brought up the relevant info. There was also contact information, including an email address should you wish to clarify anything.

Transport & Parking


The venue is right in the city centre on George Street so you have options of buses, trams and trains. From the direction of Princes Street, your main hurdle is getting up the hill, definitely not one of Edinburgh's steepest but may want to keep in mind if self propelling.



It was a level entrance at the main door with a lift up to the venue so no secret doorway down a narrow cobblestone street which both me and my power chair appreciated. Noticed that the box office had a lowered counter and the buttons for the lift were reachable. The way the room was set up with a stage there were ramps at certain points which leads me to believe that the room has a step or two when it's not a fringe venue - I am speculating but it might be something to check before going. No wheelchair spaces so you were sat in front of fold up seats further forward than your companions. Makes conversing a bit awkward sometimes. It did mean I was close enough to put my elbows on stage and nothing obscured my view of the performance. Definite win. There is an induction loop in the Music Hall but according to the website there isn't in other venues in the Assembly Rooms.





The staff were friendly and directed from the front door to the space, letting wheelchair users and ambulant folk in first which meant I was able to manoeuvre without an audience of people standing in exactly the wrong place.

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