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2 Morningside Road, Newmains, ML2 9AS, United Kingdom | 01698 387920 | Website


Asda Access



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During my visit i was assessing how accessible asda in newmains was for disabled access, overall i would conclude that my trip was very good. In the car park there is a number of disabled car parking spaces right next to the shop entrance making it very easy to enter the store. The store is all on one level making this extra accessible for people in wheelchairs or with walking aids etc. There are a few disabled toilets which are also all easily accessed on the ground floor.

Transport & Parking


If you aren't driving to the store, there is a large walkway down the car park that leads you down to the main street where there are very easily accessible bus stops, the walkway is very wide and flat making it very friendly towards people who need the space and need adaptable technologies eg wheelchairs or walking aids. in addition to this there are multiple disabled parking spaces close the the shop entrance.



inside the store everything is on the one level making it very easy for people to navigate around the store, there are always lots of staff on the shop floor and they are all very friendly and approachable. If someone for example in a wheelchair was unable to reach a product on the top shelf, the staff would help in a heartbeat. There are however no forms of braille in the shop maybe meaning its not always idea for blind people, this could be improved.



Toilets were large and perfect for their purpose, they were spacious and very clean, however they weren't at the front of the shop so maybe weren't so obvious to where they were



Tere are absolutely no complaints to be made about the staff, all were smiling and helping whoever asked for it.

Anything else you wish to tell us?

overall the experience was a joy to witness as the shop had an overall good disable access

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