Amsterdam Central Station Amsterdam Central Station

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Amsterdam Central Station

Stationsplein, Amsterdam, 1012 AB, Netherlands


Sightseer - Chapter 5

A station with more than just trains!


Visit date:

This review is especially helpful for those who have or use the following: Long Cane, Wheelchair, Powerchair


Amsterdam Central Station turned out to be more than just a place for trains to come and go. I think we'd call it a transport hub and shopping centre too. We found it to be busy but inviting as we explored the many facets of this stately looking building. It's frontage hides many secrets with a shopping complex underneath, a bus station at the back, a ferry service on its riverside and of course the I Amsterdam store too.

Transport & Parking


Short of building a runway out of the River Ij you have everything at Central Station. Its location by the water side opens up the opportunity to take a local ferry, hop on a tour boat or simply head for the tram stop. You could get a taxi or even grab a train to all parts of the country and beyond. It also plays host to the Eurostar terminal for folks wanting to travel further afield; including direct routes to the UK.



We found getting around easier than we expected. There were plenty of lifts for me as wheelchair and the tactile guidance lines were a bonus for my visually impaired pal. The scale of the complex may be a little daunting if not confusing but once you realise it is a multi layered building it starts to make more sense.



There is an accessible toilet adjacent to the public toilets toward the rear of the station.



We found the staff to be amazing! Stopping to try and understand the map, I'd barely paused a minute before a helpful staff member came along and enquire if I needed assistance. They explained the wheelchair accessible route and set me on my way.


Outside of the I Amsterdam shop The front of the Amsterdam central Station building

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