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8411-8420 of 9066 results shown
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Premier Inn Elgin Premier Inn Elgin

15 Linkwood Way, Elgin

1 4
"New Premier Inn: super rooms for the disabled"

Premier Inn is a hotel in Elgin.  All the information for this venue has been submitted by visitors in the form of reviews. If you represent this hotel please submit your information using the 'Ve...

Holiday Inn Holiday Inn

97 Cromwell Road, London

2 3.8
"Fantastic apart from the bathroom!"

Holiday Inn, Kensington Forum, London has not yet completed its listing. If you represent this venue please submit your information using the 'Venues' tab above.

Mermaid Quay Mermaid Quay

Bute Street, Stuart Street, Waterfront, Cardiff

1 5
"Accessible shops and restaurants on Waterfront"

Right on the waterfront in the heart of Cardiff Bay, Mermaid Quay has a fun, cosmopolitan atmosphere. Easy to get to from the city centre, it's a million miles from the hustle and bustle of a busy...

8411-8420 of 9066 results shown