We're making a few changes...

Euan's Guide cityscape graphic.

There’s lots going on at Euan’s Guide HQ right now, and we’re excited to be bringing you a few more surprises later in the year! Already we’ve revealed our new badges and profiles, and our next steps are to make it easier than ever to search for disabled access reviews and places to go that have great accessibility. We don’t want to give too much away, but we’ve listened as you told us what’s important to you when planning days out and weekends away. Whether that’s a ceiling hoist, a Changing Places toilet or something else, we’re creating a bigger and better search tool that will help you find the most helpful reviews on Euan’s Guide.

The changes we’re making won’t affect how you use Euan’s Guide right now, so you can carry on writing and reading reviews, collecting badges and searching for places to go. Phew! But if you like to review using our app, please be aware that the Euan’s Guide app will not be supported from Thursday 13th April 2017 as it goes into redevelopment. If you already have the app installed, it will continue to work, but we recommend using our mobile site to get the best experience when reviewing on the move.

You can check out our FAQs if you’d like to know more about Euan’s Guide, or get in touch with us if you have any questions. Make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter on the homepage to keep up with the latest news and announcements!

Tags: Euan's Guide


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