Remote learning – a disabled staff member’s experience
In this week’s Voices of Covid we hear from Cath who got in touch with us after reading about Kayleigh’s experience as a disabled student. Cath shares her experience as a disabled person working at a UK University.
I witnessed rows about 'lecture capture' when it was introduced to all lecture and seminar rooms across Leeds University campus s...
A positive and a negative side to remote health care
This week we hear from Zoe who shares her personal experience of having remote health care appointments during lockdown. Zoe shares one really positive experience she has had and one disappointing appointment that left her feeling disheartened.
I have really enjoyed reading other people’s experiences of the lockdown in the Voices of COVID seri...
Our weekly Voices of Covid series enables our team and users to share their experiences from life in lockdown. This week Claire talks about the changes she’s made with her carers to help her shield and the support she’s received from her social worker during this challenging time.
All over the world it is a very confusing time and decisions ne...
Euan’s Guide London Ambassador Tina shares the concerns she and other disabled people have about changes that are being made to travel arrangements in what is being called the “new normal”.
As lockdown begins to lift, many disabled people are feeling very apprehensive. Over the last few weeks there’s been a lot of discussion about how our soci...
Will Covid-19 make universities better for disabled students?
Like many students this year, Kayleigh is graduating from university in an unconventional way. She shares some of her experiences as a disabled student and how the Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted ableism in academia:
I was accepted into university at the age of seventeen and have always wondered, “Is it just because I’m disabled? Did they...
Our weekly Voices of Covid series enables our users to draw attention to issues they have been experiencing during the lockdown. The purpose is to raise awareness and shed some light on individuals’ stories of their situation in this challenging time. Euan’s Guide Ambassador Karis Williamson decided to talk about a lack of understanding and co...
Euan’s Guide Ambassador Karine Mather shares her experience of having anxiety and how it has affected her during lockdown. She’s also developed some tools to help her cope and shared them in the hope that they will help other people who might be struggling at the moment.
Yesterday was a good day; it was the first time in a long while that I di...
Being able to shop for myself stopped overnight when Covid-19 arrived
Coronavirus has resulted in unprecedented demands for home delivery shopping. As supermarkets fail to meet the demand, many disabled people are being disproportionately affected. Euan’s Guide Ambassador Tina Hodgkinson shares her experience:
I started using online home delivery shopping several years ago, because I didn’t have a car, so it was...
A message from Euan – I still have a desire to live
Coronavirus has given people permission to judge how valuable another person’s life is and threatens to undo decades of progress around the rights of disabled people. Euan MacDonald, Co-founder of Euan’s Guide shares his feelings on the matter:
It's not often you come across a newspaper article that perfectly encapsulates your feelings and pers...
Welcome back to our second blog covering some of our Ambassadors’ top travel tips. This blog focusses on travel insurance and some practical advice on what to bring with you on holiday. For our discussion on modes of transport and choosing a destination check out our earlier travel tips blog.
All the tips shared on this blog were discussed by...